Interview with Leva from Adatine

Thursday, May 08, 2014

I am thrilled to chance upon this lovely collection. I wonder why I am so drawn to these hand sewn, hand embroidered, hand knitted and crocheted toys by Leva. They probably reminded me about my childhood, the wonderful moments, almost forgotten and tucked away, hidden somewhere afar. I am somehow touched by them, at the same time finding them remarkably adorable, innocent and alluring. Are they trying to say something? Such a beautiful experience and I am glad these little ones are on their way to my boutique :) Thank you Leva, you are just brilliant!

Aloha Leva! Tell us more about yourself... 

My story could be attributed to the category when a hobby gradually becomes a job. I loved handicrafts since I was a child. My mother, granny, aunts – all the women in my life used to look for calm and serenity in textile.

I get inspired by people, nature, circumstances and situations. Inspiration always comes at the most inconvenient time when I don‘t expect it. Unfortunately, it occurs when I‘m unable to greet it with my arms wide open. I‘m always in a situation where something has to be sacrifised.

It is rather sad but handicrafts in Lithuania still have a negative tone to it. However, it seems that recently it has been improving. Even those close to me are full of skepticism when it comes to what I do, occasionally asking when I‘m going to find an appropriate job. You know what my reaction to that is? I started to care for my hands as if I was a violinist.  

Coffee or Tea for you, Leva?

Coffee. But such a nostalgia takes over me when I remember summers in my parents‘ garden where my children used to collect fresh mint leaves. The tea was exactly that color.

Who is your favorite artist?

Paradoxical but after graduating (Vilnius Academy of Arts) I started the job as a journalist in architectural publishing. Lately, my perception of art is... I stopped looking for art. No longer interested in it. I made a conscious decision not to be a part of an artistic whirl and not to assess it anymore. Anyhow, because of the nature of my job (I spend hours and hours on my own) I got fascinated by film. Charlotte Gainsbourg, Mads Mikkelsen, Sean Penn, Stellan Sarsgard – I find their acting very appealing. 

What do you usually read?

 I don‘t read as much as I would like to. My recent favorite is psychological literature.

What is a "normal" work day for you?

On my normal day I just sit and embroid. Sit for a long, very long time. 

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